

Objective of the subject
  • We aim at perfecting our students’ language proficiency, competency and developing their generic skills in the English department. We adopt a wide range of teaching pedagogies in our English classrooms.
  • Our school believes it is important to equip our students with a global language; we strive to help students become capable and self-sufficient learners through various English learning activities by creating an environment where learning becomes second nature.
Our curriculum

The task-based oriented approach is adopted in our English classrooms.
Our students are required to complete various tasks in which they practise their English reading, listening, writing and speaking skills.

We integrate the Read Write Inc. (RWI) literacy programme into the P1-P3 school-based curriculum. This programme familiarises our students with the 44 pure sounds and teaches them the skills of sound blending and segmenting in order to build a solid foundation of English pronunciation.

Different strategies are employed to enable our students to read and write better. With the guidance of our teachers, our students are introduced to read various books of different genres. A variety of reading strategies are taught. School-based writing booklets are developed for our upper primary students with the support of the Language Learning Support Section from the EDB. Our students are taught to use different writing strategies such as graphic organisers to write logically.

Our Activities

Learning English is considered to be one of the utmost importance for a student’s academic growth. We believe games and activities are also forms of learning which are essential for children to develop their English competence in an authentic manner. Therefore, we provide our students with a wide variety of activities every year. They learn English in many motivating and enjoyable ways.

English Day

During recess time on Wednesdays, there are English booth games held in our covered playground. All students are welcome to come and play the games created by our native English teacher with the guidance of our English Ambassadors.

English Fair

The annual English Fair is often held around Easter. We organise an array of fun and challenging English activities, including booth games, storytelling, craft-making, etc. This provided our students with an excellent opportunity to communicate with their teachers and fellows in English outside a classroom setting.

English Star Club

During the weekly English Star Club meetings, selected groups of students join a variety of fun-filled English activities and competitions to strengthen their language skills.

English Musical Theatre

To develop our students’ artistic potential whilst boosting their English-speaking proficiency, our school’s English Musical Theatre was established. The team is instructed by native English-speaking drama coaches where they are taught skills such as stagecraft, acting, and theatrics. This encourages students to build confidence in speaking English and allows them to showcase what they have learnt and perform at our annual Year-End Show.

Dress-up Day

Each year, our students and teachers engage in our school’s Dress-up Day by wearing our most flamboyant and hilarious costumes. Our students have a fabulous time collecting candies handed out generously by all of our staff members.

SCOLAR activities

In order to boost our students’ confidence in using English, we work with SCOLAR English Alliance every year to provide our students with numerous fun and interactive activities. Our students have participated in storytelling workshops where they engaged in different story-based activities and games to write creative stories. We have also joined Little Maze Runner, where our students completed different English language tasks around various zones in the park. Recently, we joined the Rugby English Active Learning Programme and our students learnt the basics of Rugby such as its rules and regulations. This ignited our students’ interest in reading English stories and informational texts about sports.

Speech Festival - Choral Speaking

Our Choral Speaking Team has got excellent results in the Hong Kong Speech Festival. We have been awarded the top 3 prizes for 8 consecutive years from 2011/12 to 2018/19. Delivered in unison, students performed their poem with passion and enunciation. We look forward to joining the upcoming Hong Kong Speech festival again!

Speech Festival - Solo Verse Speaking

Our students received several wonderful results in the Hong Kong Speech Festival. Each year, students who are talented or interested in public speaking are selected and coached by our teachers to compete in the Speech Festival. A list of awardees of this year is as follows:

4B Chung Kiu Hei Jodie


5A Lo Lok Hei Kayden


5D Chow Wan Hei


5D Lee Yat Kiu


6A Wu Hiu Tung


6D Lei Yik Hei


Australia Study Tour

Just like the Chinese proverb said, “Travelling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books.” Each year during the Chinese New Year holidays, a selected group of students get the opportunity to visit a foreign country. Despite travelling together as a big group, students have learnt to become independent. They had to take care of themselves and were challenged to be away from their families. Most importantly, students gained valuable experiences and made wonderful memories by interacting with locals from diverse backgrounds. Our students have acquired knowledge beyond the classroom and textbooks.